The seemingly scary thing we call Death is just the soul and personality passing from this solid-seeming illusion we call Reality, to another more refined illusion or after-life, sometimes mistakenly called Heaven. Although the after-life is a pretty great place if your conscience isn’t too burdened. A bit of a holiday camp really! Real Heaven is a state of consciousness, not a place. It is absolutely possible therefore to also experience heaven here on Earth, via simple meditation, formally seated and meditation in action.
In truth your loved one has NOT really disappeared, but only to your physical eyes. They still are there, but existing in a new and more perfect body, that looks pretty much like the one they had on earth, without the obvious defects. A finer and young version, although in dreams they may appear still old, that is just to reassure you that it is them. Don’t worry if it takes a little while to be able to experience contact from your loved one, sometimes the devastating storms of grief and any unresolved issues may act as a cloud around you, and make it difficult for them to show you they are there. Just be patient with yourself. In dreams you can still meet them, and if you allow yourself to, you can sense their presence. This may take a little practice, but is possible for anyone, no matter if they are ‘that way inclined’ or not. Wailing and crying out, are a natural reaction to such a great loss, if you don’t do that, you are going to be in deep trouble psychologically and it could affect your health. It is completely healthy and correct to express grief, the process which usually contains a period of healthy anger, takes on average 18 months to come through the worst of the fog. Bursting into tears for the silliest of reasons is completely normal. Seeing your loved one laid out in the funeral parlour if possible REALLY helps, as I found out when my husband died two years ago. Just seeing the shell of their body all peaceful, their familiar face in repose and their hands folded on their chest is a moving experience. And it can help the grief process, especially if you saw them while they were dying or immediately after, when their appearance may have been traumatic for you. It helps you to say goodbye to the physical (although I stress you are NOT saying goodbye actually to THEM, but there old ‘overcoat’ of their physical vehicle.) When you love can there possibly be real separation, it is illusory separation. For in truly loving another being, in an unselfish way, you become One with their soul, or higher self. Mortal love is a very pale but lovely reflection of the Love we can feel for the power that created us. And to the degree that we love the Higher Power, Creator, God, Higher Self, Self-Effulgent Light or whatever you like to call that degree we merge with that perfect Source in Bliss, Peace and Fulfilment, while still going about our daily business, and at the moment of our passing from this world. The best way we can honour our loved one is to decide to live our life as fully and as joyfully as we possibly can from now on. Constantly making that simple decision to be ‘in the moment’ where love reigns supreme and there is no separation. Love and Blessings from Nina,Ayesha and Slow Bull
AuthorActually it's plural, AUTHORS or a 'Bag of Mixed' as Max Wall the old music hall commedian would say ! To clarify this I am acting as a scribe for various angels and wise ones. If it sometimes sounds wise I cannot claim any credit, if it upsets you, I probably cannot claim credit for that either. Although if you feel upset by anything that is said then I will be happy to talk with you about it. Archives
September 2020