DONT BE SCARED!Don’t be scared!
It’s quite simple really End times...yes! Problem caused (and preventable) by most of the ultra rich ( with our collusion) ... yes! Climate change....the climate always changes, that’s a eugenics control scam. another one! ‘Over population” is another! Politics is a puppet show smoke screen to engage all your righteous energy so that you don’t really see what’s going on! 100% humans are not in control.....why do you think the world is like this? This is not the work of humans, all of whom are basically good at heart...unless the ruling elite’s torture systems have twisted them beyond recognition. We are easily malleable because of our fear! Let’s wake up, spend one hour a day listening to the guidance of our hearts and breath consciously, then act! There are more of us than the demonic ones, let’s love them out off our planet! Direct Action..speak up with love against this slavery and blood sacrifice ( war and famine, child trafficking etc) and this ridiculous planned- demic. Enough is enough! All this world needs is you, ( and me) because we are the Gaurdian Angels sent by The Almighty to heal this planet. Lets start now! Connect with the breath of our heart , regain our Sovereignty and use good ol’ permaculture methods. Our carbon emissions are negligible, our fear emissions unfortunately have been manipulated to a stifling all-time high. We are chained up as slaves through fear. We have the keys to unlock the chains, it’s total trust in our innate goodness that is a manifestation of our oneness with the power within Nature that created the universe. Let’s realise that Creator inside us now! And manifest it fully in this world.
This is the time .... right now, before it’s too late, for us all to be ready for transcendence by focusing all our precious attention on our breath and the love that courses through us. This Love is all-powerful even though the moon moves us, because we are mostly water, this Love is more powerful and moves our souls like a mighty tidal wave.
Lots of conflicting stories ? because it’s all a done with mirrors, deception and lies. This is not ineptitude... this is deliberate.
However our human heart wants honesty, kindness and love. Gratitude and joy... no more fear of the bogey man, dressed up to be a little ol’ virus that might, in fact, turn out to be hiding a far more terrifying cold blooded killer, but don’t be afraid, the ‘saviour’ is within your own Divine DNA, it’s built in! Death has no dominion over love and light and companionship. It’s a temporary separation, you eventually embrace in the other dimension again, wiser and even more appreciative of each other. Then there is even less mental and circumstantial clutter between you, and merging is so effortless and ecstatic, that’s just the way it is. Actually if the truth be told, you are here alone on the earth and you both wish it, it can happen even when you are on different sides of the veil. It’s a natural spiritual connection that nothing can shatter, many experience this but do not talk about it because of prejudices. But it is wise to have no other connection stronger in your heart, than the All loving, All forgiving, All encompassing love between you and the Almighty within you, that All Compassionate One that also abides within all that is created.
Nina The conscious minority can easily become the conscious majority when ordinary people wake up and seriously take a look at what is really happening and decide that they are going to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Waking up does not mean learning about all the gross skullduggery and corruption in detail and getting angry, indignant and fighty about it, that’s just a waste of precious energy. But simply by focusing on the individual source of power within themselves and consequently living and taking their cue from that feeling of oneness and unity within themselves. That is true leadership .....not the corporate-manipulated puppet show of politics. Its about coming from our shared heart/higher mind and not the separatist views of the lower mind. Very simple solution really, once you learn how, and a delightful and happy one. Does that seem a bit too simplistic a solution to such a complex and immense problem as the human condition ?.... absolutely! But how can a solution be more perfect if is extremely simple and functional !!! Inner happiness is the most important thing, and because I am enjoying this, I want to live longer.
But....high blood pressure loomed! So I got rid of it this way:- 🔴UPDATE at 23-1-19 .... Six months into this diet my blood pressure NORMAL, lost 4 STONE in weight!!!! ( I was fat!) feeling great, walking without a stick, arthritic pain in ankles 80% better, still have fybromyalgia pain but I have NOT drunk enough water(3ltres), which is the key. So that’s my next goal. I will report Whatever your ailment, the solution is always cheap and simple because the body is so clever, but it needs a clear run! Your part is to supply these things. 🔴TLC( emotional release) 🔴Water, ( 2-3 ltrs depending on existing kidney function ) 🔴Air (breathing) Deep breathing ( as for TB patients with sucking in of extra air into unused portions of the lungs after breathing in normally deeply, and holding in for a few more seconds to allow more exchange) build up your count with equal time in, hold and out. Aim for twenty seconds each 🔴Exercise, ( or isometrics for the weak) 🔴Minerals & vitamins ( including anti-fungal and de-bugging herbs and 12 homeopathic tissue salts) , simple raw vegan gluten-free food with fruit including pips and 20 ground bitter apricot kernels and extra fruit pectin. 🔴Detoxing and clean living, meditation and more sleep. The modern addition to this list is:- 🔴use a simple electronic devise called a Zap machine every week to kill pathogens or “ biotic factors” ( bugs), a brilliant painless and simple modern invention by the wonderful scientist Dr Hulda Clark. PREVIOUSLY DUE TO IGNORING MY BODY’S SUBTLE COMPLAINTS, I HAVE NOT FULLY FOLLOWED THIS REGIME PROPERLY MYSELF ....AND HAVE PAID THE PRICE WITH 30 yrs OF CFS AND PREVIOUSLY SERIOUS HYPERTENSION !!! SO NOW I AM WAKING UP AND DOING ALL THIS!!! ( otherwise I am going to die early) I WILL REPORT ON MY PROGRESS Having studied Naturapathy all my life now I am actually putting it fully into practice These simple truths above ( minus zapping) are the same truths I was taught by my dear old teachers when I began my studies at the age of 14. Nothing has changed about the human body except we now have more pollution. No matter how much you have studied your medical condition on the internet, you are probably only reading biased information on sites funded by gigantic pharmacy companies who can afford to keep their sites on the first few search pages , and pay trolls to give effective wholistic sites bad write-ups. So basically think for yourself and take your health and the health of your family into your own hands, taking into consideration the diagnosis and recommendations of your GP of course. Emerging within the aura of Love,
Don’t do anything half heartedly Expedient though it may seem Your breath does not weigh your worthiness before it loves you. True there is danger everywhere Pain may follow trusting worldly people and things, if you are not secure within. But this life is over so soon Plumbing the depth of Love, is all there is to do Expand your heart to receive the blessing of each moment and the divine in each other. Your heart yearns for this.....and always has....this exquisite source is manifest in all things and all people. Nina your heart is never broken
only your expectations, your capacity for love it is your treasure, and you can shine that love anywhere you wish in the future BRILLIANT NEWS!! Saturday 24th June 2017
Feel helpless to change things? Yearning to DO something positive to make a difference in this world, meditate and unite with the solution to all disharmony, personally for yourself, and for the world. Prem Rawat is at Brighton Centre tonight at 7pm doors open at 6 , free returned tickets will be available to people just turning up at the door ( normally £25) as usual. If you are disillusioned at the corrupt, inhumane bizarre state of society, then do something about it, find out the precise techniques to 'know thyself' and practice these simple keys to be part of the solution. Free, no religion, or dogma, no philosophy, no new age stuff ( much as I like it!!!😊) and no 'catch'. Best thing I ever did in my life was come down off my over-educated high horse and away from my cynicism and listen to my sister suggesting I try it. Thank you Angie!!! Real empowerment and action for peace and wellbeing in this world. Thank you Prem Rawat, the most successful ( well...the other great ones didn't have access to modern media) Ambassador of Peace this world has known so far. Join the winning team..... peace, joy and fulfilment for everyone. Nina Find out more at |
AuthorActually it's plural, AUTHORS or a 'Bag of Mixed' as Max Wall the old music hall commedian would say ! To clarify this I am acting as a scribe for various angels and wise ones. If it sometimes sounds wise I cannot claim any credit, if it upsets you, I probably cannot claim credit for that either. Although if you feel upset by anything that is said then I will be happy to talk with you about it. Archives
September 2020